How To Write Content That Gets You Reactions: How To Produce Quality Content

When writing content, people often ask me how to write content that gets your reactions, or what content to write that will get people to read my blog or your articles.

The answer is to write content that actually works. As a marketer, you know that content is your best friend when it comes to targeting your audience and making sure you have the right people reading your content.

But how do you know what content to produce that will get you reactions and what type of content to produce? Here are some tips on how to write content that gets your reactions.

Create Useful Content

First things first, if you’re not creating great content already, you’re in trouble. This is the number one rule you need to follow if you want to get reactions from your readers. Great content is not just a static idea.

It’s a moving target, constantly adapting to meet the ever-changing needs and expectations of your audience. This is why creating and maintaining quality content is so important for any blogger or website owner.

As a blogger or an online marketer, you’re probably very familiar with the idea of creating content that is useful to your readers and/or visitors to your website or blog.

One of the most important things you can do when writing content is to make sure it is useful to your readers and not just a waste of time. You can learn a lot from fellow bloggers and you can also learn from the mistakes they make.

Have A Clear Call-To-Action

This is the most important tip in terms of getting reactions from your readers. Virtually all readers are interested in what you have to say because they want something from it, not just the normal stuff you put up on your blog. It’s the action that readers want from your content, not the other way around.

The call-to-action (CTA) is the prompt that your reader requests to take in order to get the full benefit from your content. If you don’t have a clear CTA, there’s a good chance your readers won’t take the initiative to take something from your content.

Use A Storytelling Technique

When writing content, you can also learn from the mistakes other bloggers make. In this section, we’ll look at two examples of how to use a storytelling technique to create content that not only gets your reactions but also keeps your readers interested in what you have to say.

Method 1

One of the best ways to use a storytelling technique to create content that gets your reactions is to use a gif or video. Pictures and videos are good too, but a gif or video is always preferred by bloggers and online marketers.

Method 2

A great way to start using this storytelling technique to create content that gets your reactions is to create a list-writing exercise. One way to do this is to list down all the things that are happening in your life right now, as well as what you want to happen.

Method 3

Another great use for storytelling in content creation is to create content that leads the reader to a certain action. For example, let’s say you want to get more people to join your specific club.

One way to go about this is to write a letter to the members of the club, telling them why they’re not doing enough to get the club more members and offering your services as a writer to help the members communicate better with each other.

You can do the same for having better sales, quitting smoking or losing weight, being nicer to your family, etc. You can create content that is specific to the reader, and that has a clear value proposition for them.

Find An Angle

All you have to do is think of an angle that resonates with your audience and their needs. After all, our wants and needs are universal. What we all want is the opportunity to be heard, right?

Our wants and needs are different because we are different. That’s what the angles are supposed to represent. The most challenging aspect of this is coming up with a vision or idea that resonates with your audience.

You don’t have to be an artist. All you have to do is look at advertisements and notice how certain topics and images grab people’s attention. Once you’ve spotted an angle that resonates with your audience, make sure to take advantage of it.

Use Case Studies To Back Up Your Content

Case studies are simply examples that back up your content. Instead of writing about the benefits of your product or services, write about the customer experiences you’ve had first-hand.

You can get creative with this, but the most important thing is to make the case your reader’s friend. You don’t have to write about your life story or the path to blogging.

Write about your favorite articles, books, or products that have helped you or your business grow. Case studies are like endorsements, only instead of people saying “I loved your book” or “Your blog was helpful to me”.

Case studies are about you saying “People, this helped me grow and reach my goals, and this helped me become a better blogger, and this helped me start my business, and this helped me stand out in the crow”.

Make Your Content Actionable

With so many blog platforms out there, it can be difficult to know which one to use for your blog. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to add content that helps your readers achieve their goals. Here are a few examples of how you can add actionable content to your blog:


These are great because they are self-contained, easy to execute and give readers tips and tricks they can use to make their own blog to the next level. You can choose from a variety of topics, with examples such as, “How to Organize Your Home” and “How to Create a Blog”

Q & A

QA is the best way for getting your ideas out to your target audience quickly and easily. The best part is, that you can record the QA sessions and make money from it!

Guest Blogging

This is a great way to give back to your blog community, as well as make some money at the same time. You can choose from a variety of topics, and the best part is, that you get to keep all the ad revenue!


Webinars are great for getting more people involved and attached to your ideas and content, as they are highly interactive. You can choose from a variety of topics, and the best part is, that you can record the webinars and make money from them!

Ask Yourself The Question

When you’re writing content, ask yourself this question often. It will help you focus on the content itself and avoid being distracted by thinking about what type of content you want to produce next. One of the best ways to determine what type of content you should be producing is to ask yourself the question:

  • Is this content to get me reactions?
  • Do I want to be known for this content or not?

There will be times when you don’t know the answer to this question and you have to make a decision based on how the content will be seen by your readers and whether or not they want to be associated with this content. This can be a tough decision to make sometimes, but it’s the only way to know for sure.

Make Your Content Personal

Last but not least, when writing content, you can also make it personal. As a blogger or an online marketer, you’re probably very familiar with the idea of creating content that is useful to your readers and visitors to your website or blog.

To get people to notice your content, you need to make it personal. This means that your blog needs to reflect who you are and what you stand for. If you’re a health and fitness blogger, your blog should reflect the same values and information you would provide to clients or students.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Feedback

Asking for feedback is a key part of any creative process. You never know until you try, so don’t be afraid to ask for suggestions and advice on how to improve your content.

People are always willing to help out fellow bloggers and website owners, and you’re more likely to receive useful criticism if you ask for it. Asking for feedback is a great way to make your content better, boost your readership, and create new content addiction.

The idea of what type of content to write and how to write it is often confusing and out of your hands. You can’t just walk into a blogging competition and write a blog on the spot because you have no idea what type of content to produce.

The only way to really get started writing content for your website or blog is to experiment with different types of content and see what gets you the most reactions and shares.

You can use the tips and advice in this article to get started and produce quality content that will get you reactions, or at the very least, get people interested in what you have to say.

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